
Saturday 19 March 2011

Happy Birthday Kate!

I am trying not to look at the keyboard as I am seeing spots before my eyes!  I have just returned from cycling over to deliver a birthday pressie to my little friend  Hebe who is 9 today.  She is looking forward to her party tomorrow -making potions, and dressing up with her friends.  My contribution is a box of very bright nail varnishes – yellow, orange, lime green and purple.  Of course she, her mum Chloe, and I had to try them all out and I have got back with each nail painted a different colour and covered in spots. Hebe’s little brother Herbie helped as well so a fair bit of my cuticle is also gaily painted.  How am I supposed to take my essay writing seriously today?

We have been having lectures in preparation for our last piece of work for this year.  This is to come up with a feasible research proposal.  It is important to get it right for two reasons.  Firstly; I have to pass it to process into the third year, and secondly; if I take the research option for the third year that will be the first stage of it . I know that unless it interests me, I will struggle to stay motivated to stick at it and produce a 15,000 – 20,000 word report at the end of it all.  I am beginning to think I may have the tiny seed of a topic so – watch this space!

The other option for the third year is to produce an 8,000 word piece that documents my professional and personal development as a counsellor in training.  Alongside this is a cognitive behavioural therapy training.  Originally I had thought I would like to do this option but I am now less sure.  Luckily I don’t have to decide yet.

On Monday it’s my daughter Kate’s 26th birthday – where has all that time gone?    As she is lives in West Sussex I have to wait until next Sunday to see her, after my essay deadline on Wednesday, but I have made her one of my usual crazy cards and posted it to her full of bits that will make a lovely sparkly mess when she opens it. Happy birthday Kate!!

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